Sex Dolls

“Having sex with a doll – the new generation of sex!” With this slogan, a brothel called Bordoll advertises itself, where lifelike gum sex dolls “work.” The place is trendy because, after Dortmund, such a house has opened in Barcelona and Paris. And experts say people in Europe are increasingly accepting robotic sex.

source: Bordoll (Dortmund)
different sex dolls are waiting for guests

What is a sex doll brothel like?

In Dortmund, the brothel called Bordoll is located in a quiet, secluded street. But not only are sex dolls there, but real prostitutes work too. However, 60% of guests already prefer sex dolls. One reason for this is money. Because this dolls are cheaper, the fees are 80 Euros per hour. The other reason sex dolls aren’t complaining; they take on literally anything!

Sex dolls are very lifelike, made of medical silicone, and available in different sizes. They look weird and pathetic at the same time. Their breasts are giant and hang on their bellies. Their features are simple, a seductive smile on their lips. At least that’s what it was made for. Red lipstick, thigh fix, thin body, high heels. Carefully designed vaginal inlet between their legs.

However, gay, female, and bisexual guests will also find a doll for themselves. There is extraordinarily muscular and hot-bodied male sex doll too!

The Bordell has a mysterious twilight and several small rooms. Guests walk into these with sex dolls. After their departure, the sex dolls lay with damaged limbs and covered with body fluids; in this shape, they are waiting for the cleaning lady to clean, disinfect, and re-dress them. The next guest can come! Of course, there are also returnees who come weekly. Moreover, some guests are even emotionally attracted to that particular sex doll.

Pros and cons

Someone – who is more familiar with men who have sex with a doll – says they the guest are incredibly lonely and isolated. They are neither curious nor excited when they go to a room with the sex doll. These people only want to satisfy their physical needs. They do not dare to ask certain things from their girlfriend or wife in sex. These men are afraid to ask real women to try their erotic fantasies.

On the one hand, it’s more comfortable with dolls because men don’t have to talk to them. On the other hand, since they don’t live, having sex with them isn’t even cheating. That’s what most men think.

But there is another opinion. And an organization: Campaign Against Sex Robots. Its leader argues that the girly looks of sex dolls strengthen the survival of pedophile tendencies. He says, “it’s not okay in a world where it’s okay to have sex with sex dolls.” We are moving towards a world where sex is beyond the human relationship. And it’s not even sex,  but the masturbation with a doll too.

Acceptance of sex dolls is growing

Despite mixed opinions, acceptance of these dolls is growing in Europe. There are also two such brothels outside of Dortmund, in Barcelona and Paris. And in Japan, it is already 12! The owner of the Bordell, by the way, took the idea to the house in Dortmund from there.

Brothel leaders do not see this trend dangerous. According to them, this doll is just a toy. And a man should be violent with sex dolls rather than a real woman. This is also evidenced by the fact that sex dolls can “survive” for half a year. They lie in a room with twisted limbs and ruined genitals. And only one thing comes to mind for this sight. Instead, someone does this with a doll and not with real women!